tx · FTfDvQiSvoaQJ3WhHGxK8gm5CEv7wNdGCUUYLKoZGvPa

3P99Sxc4X1LYk2r5Keg37pVZNC6WuRvTFtj:  +99999999999999.0000 NUTRITION
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.05.07 21:11 [1516190] issue 3P99Sxc4X1LYk2r5Keg37pVZNC6WuRvTFtj > SELF +99999999999999.0000 NUTRITION

{ "type": 3, "id": "FTfDvQiSvoaQJ3WhHGxK8gm5CEv7wNdGCUUYLKoZGvPa", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1557252690746, "version": 2, "sender": "3P99Sxc4X1LYk2r5Keg37pVZNC6WuRvTFtj", "senderPublicKey": "EufKUn1wZADMZ4YBeHLrnKXLZY8USgvp56vBzv8gFwzf", "proofs": [ "3Uerm2yVga2K36xKxiGCQmByL2rsuR7uD1bg5mK8zvKfzKD6KdvroaQQPJ95NDe4KJrxYE12QPNvKHR3L9Zcw9QB" ], "assetId": "FTfDvQiSvoaQJ3WhHGxK8gm5CEv7wNdGCUUYLKoZGvPa", "name": "NUTRITION", "quantity": 999999999999990000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "NUTRITION is one of the Sons Tokens , that is dedicated to all the interractions and especially payments that are done for the alimentation of a human being, is dedicated to develop and enforce the zero kilometer market, which in its essence means creating a food and all the primary goods of first necessity distribution networks, that within the human community are a must, and the basic and primal needs. Everyone has the right to access to clean water and good food for its own safety and growth, with NUTRITION all direct producers will be entitled to share their products with all the people in need that will use NUTRITION as meaning of payment for rewarding the producer of its effort and dedication to the cause. This token will be distributed to all direct producers and sent from the producers to whom decide to buy from them once again in the future, using not anymore other currencies but NUTRITION. The token will be also distributed to ALL the humans that need to feed.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1516190, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.73 ms