3PAJ6bw7kvSPf6Q9kAgfSLzmpFspZmsi1ki:  +21000000.0 RESORT COIN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.13 05:46 [1039350] issue 3PAJ6bw7kvSPf6Q9kAgfSLzmpFspZmsi1ki > SELF +21000000.0 RESORT COIN

{ "type": 3, "id": "F6yNsQYP3hAbT4h7XGeKXbe7MFXWGhLg9YSPChYRVJAL", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528858025550, "version": 1, "sender": "3PAJ6bw7kvSPf6Q9kAgfSLzmpFspZmsi1ki", "senderPublicKey": "7nSKRN4XZiD3TGYsMRQGQejzP7x8EgiKoG2HcY7oYv6r", "proofs": [ "67nTs88NmwnzUQEebMHchPTmG16y6JkAq3nFa9ktHSz5KMcXynjwSLLdb6Uji4mWo35gjeNq2cECKdhdKSATBbCn" ], "signature": "67nTs88NmwnzUQEebMHchPTmG16y6JkAq3nFa9ktHSz5KMcXynjwSLLdb6Uji4mWo35gjeNq2cECKdhdKSATBbCn", "assetId": "F6yNsQYP3hAbT4h7XGeKXbe7MFXWGhLg9YSPChYRVJAL", "name": "RESORT COIN", "quantity": 210000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 1, "description": "resort coin is a cryptocurrency for which you will be able to pay in hotels, for rooms, food, and sports and recreation equipment ... hotels will be located on the Philippines and Thailand .. in the future on other exotic continents ... resort coin is a cryptocurrency for travelers tourists ...", "height": 1039350, "spentComplexity": 0 }

45.65 ms