tx · DeckvFZ1of4JcRnuEhnuXKF9zA5qaRCHXwpcCHmyiXcf

3PNXVNugWFC9oqR2Y4dRD5uAKh93BwKo3St:  +10000000000.00 UAHTOKEN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.02.27 22:20 [1949092] issue 3PNXVNugWFC9oqR2Y4dRD5uAKh93BwKo3St > SELF +10000000000.00 UAHTOKEN spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "DeckvFZ1of4JcRnuEhnuXKF9zA5qaRCHXwpcCHmyiXcf", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1582831204647, "version": 2, "sender": "3PNXVNugWFC9oqR2Y4dRD5uAKh93BwKo3St", "senderPublicKey": "3xy4B1SZiS5jiR4EmfpWhGrdHvU7isoVcptix4YdJfLz", "proofs": [ "64jRZcYan5QPEZD6ztVVs4SQWnne2Evju4pAjnDK1aS8tKyc8nAA9xu2BeQhvpFYkhAoYgxe6CpHFdWuykfDgK3u" ], "assetId": "DeckvFZ1of4JcRnuEhnuXKF9zA5qaRCHXwpcCHmyiXcf", "name": "UAHTOKEN", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "UAHTOKEN is the coin of the stock exchange that will be traded on the cryptocurrency exchange named UAHEXCHANGE in the near future. By purchasing this coin with pre-sales, you will not pay any commission fee in the future while making a profit and trading on the stock market.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1949092, "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.66 ms