tx · DZL8eEZFeKgL527LHKyGTPkAU9LhiaA2V9kPdeUnRE9b

3P9cuKE1d3qUiTZLzTLQbFycUjTaWBEvpkX:  +10000000000.00000000 TMTM
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.06.02 16:26 [2617450] issue 3P9cuKE1d3qUiTZLzTLQbFycUjTaWBEvpkX > SELF +10000000000.00000000 TMTM

{ "type": 3, "id": "DZL8eEZFeKgL527LHKyGTPkAU9LhiaA2V9kPdeUnRE9b", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1622640396293, "version": 2, "sender": "3P9cuKE1d3qUiTZLzTLQbFycUjTaWBEvpkX", "senderPublicKey": "6E8o8qJzS6YbgiFenzHSrjNmkQHtwGJzFzQcTyxYwJTP", "proofs": [ "35J3SQGiYtxCDVBsbd78MvLHkoRbsqFwTzBe2i6nvUgmV54KJaQpaPRw3gBFofiVyG9gYEnCpryVbTQZQJ8yR6cB" ], "assetId": "DZL8eEZFeKgL527LHKyGTPkAU9LhiaA2V9kPdeUnRE9b", "name": "TMTM", "quantity": 1000000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Travel mining token mileage\n\nTokens that increase as you travel.\n\nCreate a large number of access points in different places around the world, and build a mechanism that increases tokens when you move from access point to access point.\n\nWith travel declining in corona, we will build an exciting mechanism to make travel more revitalized around the world with an eye to the post-corona.\n\nWe plan to develop a terminal that links the wallet and location information. Gives the number of sheets according to the number of possessions and the distance, and provides joy like staking.\n\nThe terminal is installed in all forms of shops, and the shop side also leads to attracting customers.\n\nWe will realize the business model of mileage that has become common sense in the aviation industry to be possible anywhere on the ground.\n\nTravel mining token mileage that is more profitable as you own and move.\n\nTravel mining token mileage\n\nPlease look forward to it.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2617450, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.53 ms