tx · BMpabcwqXc8HnCqQnfBvnEMpTAed2r6WtjiC9qqTDr3H

3PD6fsdFow1Mi1wiwiLU1ZwsHqvN8KWxYhe:  +100000000.00000000 Kriptoken
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.04.07 12:22 [2536469] issue 3PD6fsdFow1Mi1wiwiLU1ZwsHqvN8KWxYhe > SELF +100000000.00000000 Kriptoken

{ "type": 3, "id": "BMpabcwqXc8HnCqQnfBvnEMpTAed2r6WtjiC9qqTDr3H", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1617787055107, "version": 2, "sender": "3PD6fsdFow1Mi1wiwiLU1ZwsHqvN8KWxYhe", "senderPublicKey": "6JTodweAKnQXnKz6gkUKGmEFdkxrsVQh6HUPFADi9avg", "proofs": [ "3XCAakqwo3xPd2TWtHvmTSrrsUHTTmjgFYAYrxknnpmRzVreuGmzAiGrbTodj7EtzaFCqhiKyZgvkTfhn8twhdHN" ], "assetId": "BMpabcwqXc8HnCqQnfBvnEMpTAed2r6WtjiC9qqTDr3H", "name": "Kriptoken", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "Kriptoken was created - BY Community FOR Community aim to help peoples of this spreading Covid19 death pandemic disaster that makes so many peoples around the world in suffering for survival, lost jobs, careers and their income streams.\n\nTOKEN INFO \n\nToken name / Ticker : Kriptoken\nDecimal : 8\nTotal supply : 100,000,000\nBurn supply : 20,000,000\nCirculation supply : 80,000,000\nMaximum supply : 100,000,000\nToken status : NOT REISSUABLE\n(Permanently Limited Supply) \n\nKriptoken is used for peer-to-peer (P2P) Trading Token & Store Of Value Asset. \n\nOn our lists.. \n\n1) BURN TOKEN - will be scheduled to destroyed Kriptoken for 36 months to decrease supply, \n\n2) TOKEN BUY BACK - will be conducted frequently in 36 months to encourage growth of trading volumes, \n\n3) AIRDROP / BOUNTY - will be freely distribute frequently for awareness/adoptions campaign to attract more and more and more new users.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2536469, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

35.41 ms