tx · 9owFroFwVZqUUihRL8oqy4Y11GoJCCqAcGHXWydMzKTL

3PRFTPm4hbUhxhjQdE8cGaXGAfzGLq4va8H:  -0.00500000 Waves

2023.03.27 00:08 [3573055] transfer 3PRFTPm4hbUhxhjQdE8cGaXGAfzGLq4va8H > 3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV useFreeTx() 0.00500000 Waves
2023.03.27 00:08 [3573055] invoke 3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV > 3PRFTPm4hbUhxhjQdE8cGaXGAfzGLq4va8H useFreeTx()
2023.03.27 00:08 [3573055] invoke 3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV > 3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV updateArtwork()

3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_royalties_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: 1000 == 1000
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_crawler_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "" == ""
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_type_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "Type: video/mp4 - Size: 39726.57 Ko" == "Type: video/mp4 - Size: 39726.57 Ko"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_tags_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "3D,VFX,ANIMATION,UE5,UNREAL" == "3D,VFX,ANIMATION,UE5,UNREAL"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_licence_hash_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "a87758c354e30a9e78fb84fa3a0010a5090ab20df0be11ad45b5720cc187e639" == "a87758c354e30a9e78fb84fa3a0010a5090ab20df0be11ad45b5720cc187e639"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_licence_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "bafybeifuyo4pqu54ismqgtb6e4h6kkvgx7zg4u3zibh2r7y6mb64i7bzza/licence.pdf" == "bafybeifuyo4pqu54ismqgtb6e4h6kkvgx7zg4u3zibh2r7y6mb64i7bzza/licence.pdf"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_export_hash_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "7ff6889e5cfd0de4205206eb508b5c8661db0e2c27139182653523ea0a1ab9fd" == "7ff6889e5cfd0de4205206eb508b5c8661db0e2c27139182653523ea0a1ab9fd"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_export_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "bafybeic5tuu6q67csipb6iguhabryarrdckwq2cepd2hjqjagyydjdu27y/exported.mp4" == "bafybeic5tuu6q67csipb6iguhabryarrdckwq2cepd2hjqjagyydjdu27y/exported.mp4"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_display_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "bafybeid6eyip5gnhbn2uvc233cwkw5fr7yztjfnxeturyl6wnabmh2zjoe/display.png" == "bafybeid6eyip5gnhbn2uvc233cwkw5fr7yztjfnxeturyl6wnabmh2zjoe/display.png"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_desc_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "BBB - Annecy
This is my participation to the BigBattle 2023. Made with UE5, 3dsMax, After Effects.
BigBattle Annecy - "Esprit es tu là?" - Video - 3D2 Logan 

We had 8 hours to make something around "Spirit, Are you there". I decided to make a spooky environment to add tension to the scene. The spirit is represented by the neons moving/flickering and the flying objetcs. It is also sunset time in the scene, the end of the day like the end of the calm before the storm. Colors are also contrasted, I decided to use cool green and warm orange to match correctly. I wanted to add a lot of movements to my scene to avoid making it boring. The camera movements are pretty quick aswell, I tried to direct the eyes of the spectators on important elements by adding zooms in. I ve added sound FX aswell to add depth and suspense, the mixing could have been better but it was the rush.. 😅
Thx for watching/reading 👍" -> "BBB - Annecy
This is my participation to the BigBattle 2023. Made with UE5, 3dsMax, After Effects.
BigBattle Annecy - "Esprit es tu là?" - Video - 3D2 - Logan.fns LoganVFX 

We had 8 hours to make something around "Spirit, Are you there". I decided to make a spooky environment to add tension to the scene. The spirit is represented by the neons moving/flickering and the flying objetcs. It is also sunset time in the scene, the end of the day like the end of the calm before the storm. Colors are also contrasted, I decided to use cool green and warm orange to match correctly. I wanted to add a lot of movements to my scene to avoid making it boring. The camera movements are pretty quick aswell, I tried to direct the eyes of the spectators on important elements by adding zooms in. I ve added sound FX aswell to add depth and suspense, the mixing could have been better but it was the rush.. 😅
Thx for watching/reading 👍"
3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV: art_name_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2: "Esprit es-tu là? - Spirit, Are you there?" == "Esprit es-tu là? - Spirit, Are you there?"
3PRFTPm4hbUhxhjQdE8cGaXGAfzGLq4va8H: 3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2_free_txs: 2 -> 1

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The spirit is represented by the neons moving/flickering and the flying objetcs. It is also sunset time in the scene, the end of the day like the end of the calm before the storm. Colors are also contrasted, I decided to use cool green and warm orange to match correctly. I wanted to add a lot of movements to my scene to avoid making it boring. The camera movements are pretty quick aswell, I tried to direct the eyes of the spectators on important elements by adding zooms in. I ve added sound FX aswell to add depth and suspense, the mixing could have been better but it was the rush.. \ud83d\ude05\nThx for watching/reading \ud83d\udc4d" }, { "type": "string", "value": "3D,VFX,ANIMATION,UE5,UNREAL" }, { "type": "string", "value": "Type: video/mp4 - Size: 39726.57 Ko" }, { "type": "string", "value": "bafybeid6eyip5gnhbn2uvc233cwkw5fr7yztjfnxeturyl6wnabmh2zjoe/display.png" }, { "type": "string", "value": "7ff6889e5cfd0de4205206eb508b5c8661db0e2c27139182653523ea0a1ab9fd" }, { "type": "string", "value": "bafybeic5tuu6q67csipb6iguhabryarrdckwq2cepd2hjqjagyydjdu27y/exported.mp4" }, { "type": "string", "value": "a87758c354e30a9e78fb84fa3a0010a5090ab20df0be11ad45b5720cc187e639" }, { "type": "string", "value": "bafybeifuyo4pqu54ismqgtb6e4h6kkvgx7zg4u3zibh2r7y6mb64i7bzza/licence.pdf" }, { "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "type": "integer", "value": 1000 }, { "type": "string", "value": "EYkNGnAkTDgvzaeFMrAEoApasadsme986EwCsaFdeBDq" } ] }, "height": 3573055, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 424, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "art_name_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "Esprit es-tu là? - Spirit, Are you there?" }, { "key": "art_desc_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "BBB - Annecy\nThis is my participation to the BigBattle 2023. Made with UE5, 3dsMax, After Effects.\nBigBattle Annecy - "Esprit es tu là?" - Video - 3D2 - Logan.fns LoganVFX \n\nWe had 8 hours to make something around "Spirit, Are you there". I decided to make a spooky environment to add tension to the scene. The spirit is represented by the neons moving/flickering and the flying objetcs. It is also sunset time in the scene, the end of the day like the end of the calm before the storm. Colors are also contrasted, I decided to use cool green and warm orange to match correctly. I wanted to add a lot of movements to my scene to avoid making it boring. The camera movements are pretty quick aswell, I tried to direct the eyes of the spectators on important elements by adding zooms in. I ve added sound FX aswell to add depth and suspense, the mixing could have been better but it was the rush.. \ud83d\ude05\nThx for watching/reading \ud83d\udc4d" }, { "key": "art_display_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "bafybeid6eyip5gnhbn2uvc233cwkw5fr7yztjfnxeturyl6wnabmh2zjoe/display.png" }, { "key": "art_export_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "bafybeic5tuu6q67csipb6iguhabryarrdckwq2cepd2hjqjagyydjdu27y/exported.mp4" }, { "key": "art_export_hash_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "7ff6889e5cfd0de4205206eb508b5c8661db0e2c27139182653523ea0a1ab9fd" }, { "key": "art_licence_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "bafybeifuyo4pqu54ismqgtb6e4h6kkvgx7zg4u3zibh2r7y6mb64i7bzza/licence.pdf" }, { "key": "art_licence_hash_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "a87758c354e30a9e78fb84fa3a0010a5090ab20df0be11ad45b5720cc187e639" }, { "key": "art_tags_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "3D,VFX,ANIMATION,UE5,UNREAL" }, { "key": "art_type_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "Type: video/mp4 - Size: 39726.57 Ko" }, { "key": "art_crawler_cid_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "key": "art_royalties_3krMs5jE5AikoEaGBu2B6JfQYd8rZnfsZoGeBctaDh6Z_3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "type": "integer", "value": 1000 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2", "asset": null, "amount": 0 } ], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3PRFTPm4hbUhxhjQdE8cGaXGAfzGLq4va8H", "call": { "function": "useFreeTx", "args": [ { "type": "String", "value": "3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2" } ] }, "payment": [], "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "3PL8WkTJ2cYSusdjrCaExvSpGytENeanHq2_free_txs", "type": "integer", "value": 1 } ], "transfers": [ { "address": "3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV", "asset": null, "amount": 500000 } ], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } } ] } }

31.62 ms