tx · 9orrz2yB8GEVTEcmRZZEvDr78dBrWnxdycnZbu9EjHNt

3PNjvRBH6WnqQj7NWqmgFemeNehEcy5D9WQ:  +522500000.000 Dotcoin Token
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.07.16 20:43 [583498] issue 3PNjvRBH6WnqQj7NWqmgFemeNehEcy5D9WQ > SELF +522500000.000 Dotcoin Token spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "9orrz2yB8GEVTEcmRZZEvDr78dBrWnxdycnZbu9EjHNt", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1500226981148, "version": 1, "sender": "3PNjvRBH6WnqQj7NWqmgFemeNehEcy5D9WQ", "senderPublicKey": "DGVYQ9tVC3W12LgTeQu7JUiqZ2YSDrL4nKXkgzmqvVTD", "proofs": [ "4DdVwNRmjLsQKF8x7n2KAkxqUqNGBsnpTPyWXziyY4B3yyz9gq9kExcTqtvsaYVoKmDUoehmk1WEUHD48aEWCjYq" ], "signature": "4DdVwNRmjLsQKF8x7n2KAkxqUqNGBsnpTPyWXziyY4B3yyz9gq9kExcTqtvsaYVoKmDUoehmk1WEUHD48aEWCjYq", "assetId": "9orrz2yB8GEVTEcmRZZEvDr78dBrWnxdycnZbu9EjHNt", "name": "Dotcoin Token", "quantity": 522500000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 3, "description": "We've decided to perform a swap of the DOT blockchain to a WAVES asset, the use case of DOT is not based around mining or proof of work so we don't think anything is lost in moving DOT to a token platform. A final block height will be defined to allow for a swap period of approximately 90 days before the cut off of new blocks being included in the swap. The new token will be created and swapped 1:1 with the old chain with the new asset matching the coin count of the old chain up to the cutoff block height.", "height": 583498, "spentComplexity": 0 }

77.36 ms