tx · 9LAn1u7DXaKt7k1QngPayLCiYY7xKTns6RqSvXVMv6y1

3PGAiXP377f3Kcs6ZKXxzto75xSMEkwbn24:  +800000000 CRIDE
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.19 23:48 [924726] issue 3PGAiXP377f3Kcs6ZKXxzto75xSMEkwbn24 > SELF +800000000 CRIDE

{ "type": 3, "id": "9LAn1u7DXaKt7k1QngPayLCiYY7xKTns6RqSvXVMv6y1", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1521492474905, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGAiXP377f3Kcs6ZKXxzto75xSMEkwbn24", "senderPublicKey": "GoRNPhkdhVWryRs9HSXAZmx5R2XqdqwUphRdT4fpLa5G", "proofs": [ "5NpJRdBe3Smfi5HHZcu5f16QHbYZ3AuwTkijnXENLt4C5GaT2fk7SJt8vKubqmsjw6zfAmDaWL212QyuNAwKSSR5" ], "signature": "5NpJRdBe3Smfi5HHZcu5f16QHbYZ3AuwTkijnXENLt4C5GaT2fk7SJt8vKubqmsjw6zfAmDaWL212QyuNAwKSSR5", "assetId": "9LAn1u7DXaKt7k1QngPayLCiYY7xKTns6RqSvXVMv6y1", "name": "CRIDE", "quantity": 800000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "A Ride hailing platform that offers Flexible Monthly Subscription plans that meet all different needs! Members get a monthly set of tokens that will more than accommodate any tasks, errands, rides, pick ups and drop offs that come their way!\n\nMembers simply send CRIDE Tokens to their Driver at the end of their trip or requested task!", "height": 924726, "spentComplexity": 0 }

72.21 ms