tx · 95pjugW2B4yQLKBAnFrN9xDDqrUCtVhYpG86iZZAHCb4

3PJgNn4vSxjVhXejL7USAvQiDTvxnAWm6AA:  +100000.000 Jagger
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.01.19 12:48 [1358016] issue 3PJgNn4vSxjVhXejL7USAvQiDTvxnAWm6AA > SELF +100000.000 Jagger

{ "type": 3, "id": "95pjugW2B4yQLKBAnFrN9xDDqrUCtVhYpG86iZZAHCb4", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1547891289080, "version": 2, "sender": "3PJgNn4vSxjVhXejL7USAvQiDTvxnAWm6AA", "senderPublicKey": "HemSpxMVbcPivVD5KNNk16N4UrUGa7DK7xTrr3xkPPyA", "proofs": [ "2AbXDuBWikSENK74XcvCL2KhNBv8VnwtH9JENkn2TLJw4Rh9G9wfaLtr5CNnQbbgNqyPZjjM3QmhGrW9ccQzzzc1" ], "assetId": "95pjugW2B4yQLKBAnFrN9xDDqrUCtVhYpG86iZZAHCb4", "name": "Jagger", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "Jagger \n\nMake money by licensing your music or invest in upcoming musicians, songwriters, performers, orchestra's and bands.\n\nJagger makes it possible to register all your copyrighted material in smart contracts in the blockchain.\nAs a songwriter, artist or performer, you’re entitled to performance royalties every time your song is performed. That’s your payment for writing the song.\n\nTechnically, a copyright exists the moment “an original work is fixed in a tangible medium.” As soon as you record it, it is copyrighted. So registering your copyright can give you additional protection in case you ever need to defend your copyright.\n\nJagger collects all of the royalties on your behalf.\nPublish” your own music if you like, and get paid in Jagger directly every time that your song is played or purchased. You may sell/exchange your Jagger to BTC, USD, EUR, ETH, WAVEs on DEX exchange.\n\nSerious music investors have 30 days to invest in this project. \n\nRegards,\nJagger", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1358016, "spentComplexity": 0 }

61.62 ms