tx · 15yRXa4rPyfoH2yUxhYkZMoBNLerFWREd7hFWswLNGs

3PATa4B68N9yRB2LHFemRQfUjk7NiEHDYSd:  +255978255.00000000 Vmas
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.08.22 15:14 [2207238] issue 3PATa4B68N9yRB2LHFemRQfUjk7NiEHDYSd > SELF +255978255.00000000 Vmas

{ "type": 3, "id": "15yRXa4rPyfoH2yUxhYkZMoBNLerFWREd7hFWswLNGs", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1598098271384, "version": 2, "sender": "3PATa4B68N9yRB2LHFemRQfUjk7NiEHDYSd", "senderPublicKey": "4s5uE9W19y1HGne5fxJPpex8THTrRHAhaNYFQTYN6qSx", "proofs": [ "3bCBZqKZQcroE6Ma6o8yPRUaGr6hFBVn7bcvwUwJMPKnU6GnartW6EoEe3YuADURrxeJskNvLLM6WtFqYkdxR3QM" ], "assetId": "15yRXa4rPyfoH2yUxhYkZMoBNLerFWREd7hFWswLNGs", "name": "Vmas", "quantity": 25597825500000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Vmas (VMAS) is a token which would be a cryptocurrency based on Waves blockchain development technology and created by African leaders in partnership with French ones. The purpose of currency is to serve Africa and the world in the sense that it restores power to the people and restores security to the monetary system. It is a central means of exchange that contributes to the development of the world economy and especially Africa. Create an ecosystem that will provide opportunities for young entrepreneurs all over the world. The aim of this system is to make life easier for thousands of populations, some of whom are excluded from the traditional restrictive and cumbersome financial system. This,\n by allowing them and especially Africans to do:\n - Faster and lower cost transactions,\n - Transactions all over the world,\n - Secure payments on the internet.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2207238, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.21 ms