2020.07.30 07:31 [2173178] issue 3P2PsaK4LqH9G8xkUk6wSM6hmkQTQjWueyj > SELF +89999999999.00000000 UCASHFUND spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "4kN3nsXKWAXo7E4gU1h1jiX3kQr9xgDPmnh8zY8nxLTL", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1596083475178, "version": 2, "sender": "3P2PsaK4LqH9G8xkUk6wSM6hmkQTQjWueyj", "senderPublicKey": "FVkYRCP2NVZTYLCWbuFb2mUrDhYhRvxbVDfUqG5pwuiB", "proofs": [ "4R1BxurQvzvEZubcPaJLfvwP9pGopgAjzfbyk4zTQWq9ovu5ZZQyMVcvXZcE83wum4v1GwvshTHpfbAmnozD5XSa" ], "assetId": "4kN3nsXKWAXo7E4gU1h1jiX3kQr9xgDPmnh8zY8nxLTL", "name": "UCASHFUND", "quantity": 8999999999900000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "UCASHFUND are stable crypto tokens technically created by TEGKH Central Bank and financially managed by uCASH Fund (https://ucashfund.com/) to fulfill the vision of GDP and population growth for 100 years ahead. TEGKH believes the future is all about knowledge economy and eco-friendly technology. RULES: 1. uCASH Fund have full rights to set rules and regulations for users, members and traders to comply with. 2. Between 0.09999999% and 9.99999999% of the annual balance will be released from TEGKH Central Bank to uCASH Fund, one time per year. 3. Fiscal year starts on 1st of August each year. NOTE: | TEGKH : Top Expert Group’s Knowledge Hub | uCASH Fund : Universal Crypto Assets Solutions & Harmonization Fund | GDP : Gross Domestic Product", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2173178, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.78 ms