tx · 8h24dR6ssU8BoUyjxRhF76P31jjPY13VWZEnDd5qb3LX

3PFRxT9CXG81Evr8MeVJGnQSjFP6cq1SHWL:  -0.00500000 Waves

2020.09.18 19:23 [2246623] data 3PFRxT9CXG81Evr8MeVJGnQSjFP6cq1SHWL > SELF 0.00000000 Waves

3PFRxT9CXG81Evr8MeVJGnQSjFP6cq1SHWL: scriptName: "DeFi Franklin (FMMT): Market Maker Account"
3PFRxT9CXG81Evr8MeVJGnQSjFP6cq1SHWL: description: "DeFi Franklin (FMMT): A decentralized hedge fund (DHF) and over-the-counter (OTC) market based on the Waves protocol. Welcome to the right place for your investment! [Website: <https://.../>; Contact: <mailto:contact@...>; Support: <mailto:support@...>; Telegram: <https://t.me/defi_franklin>]" -> "A decentralized hedge fund (DHF) and over-the-counter (OTC) market based on the Waves protocol. Welcome to the right place for your investment! [Website: <https://.../>; Contact: <mailto:contact@...>; Support: <mailto:support@...>; Telegram: <https://t.me/defi_franklin>]"

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25.76 ms