tx · 8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx

3P4UtpuAgP4vXJdbm8Cmw44s84SNmdZckUs:  +25.00000000 SCOneX
3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz:  -50.00000000 SCOneX
3PKFVS93ehfsFVLW8wdvpybM18idwMooFkY:  +25.00000000 SCOneX
———————————————————————————————————:  -0.00500000 Waves

2022.09.26 15:25 [3311553] invoke 3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL > 3PGYwuxEunEE3ibZYh2eg9SRz6AzKsTpMnG collectionProcess()
2022.09.26 15:25 [3311553] invoke 3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL > 3P4UtpuAgP4vXJdbm8Cmw44s84SNmdZckUs validateAndProcessPayment() 25.00000000 SCOneX
2022.09.26 15:25 [3311553] invoke 3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz > 3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL addArtwork() 25.00000000 SCOneX
2022.09.26 15:25 [3311553] sponsor 3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz > 3PKFVS93ehfsFVLW8wdvpybM18idwMooFkY 25.00000000 SCOneX

3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_entitlement_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "This NFT Ticket give you the chance to participate in the Singapore F- 1 NFT Challenge for the 2022 Season. The WINNER (s) receives the total amount in USDN generated by the sale of all the NFTs Tickets Teams. An additional Prize of 20000 SCOneX tokens will be shared with all the portfolios that have an NFT of the team that won the race. The Total Prizes will be shared among all the NFT wallet winners."
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: get_hashbytxidaddr_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "ffe83a5d5e4527ac5c7b1d835ac8f86704f22ee2630bb75f11bdec935e0095e3"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_onsale_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: false
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_issued_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: 0
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_maxmint_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: 0
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_tags_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "Motorsports"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_type_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "VIDEO"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_display_cid_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "QmZibDbyx8BwctzBiCJmhgb6hFMLy3qgBdGD9Z4vwV7XpA"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_desc_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "NFT Challenge F - 1  GP Singapore - This NFT represents Team Ferrari F 1 in the Singapore GP F - 1 2022 - You are a Winner of the Challenge If you hold the NFT Ticket of the Team Winner of the real race Singapore GP F 1 2022. Check the Rules and Prizes at this link: https://nftchallenge.sportcash.one/prizes-and-rules/ - This NFT is unofficial and is no way associated with Formula 1 companies."
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_name_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: ""LA ROSSA" Singapore GP F - 1"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: art_date_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: 1664195135856
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: get_txid_by_hash_owner_BKf46mhWCnHpZbgWqmXKGBDLGjxFexHsYzgUVRJnpjAv: "8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx"
3PGsTdgBUkaX2kwaChBQ9vPraVe9ZXZM4EL: get_owner_by_hash_ffe83a5d5e4527ac5c7b1d835ac8f86704f22ee2630bb75f11bdec935e0095e3: "3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz"
3PGYwuxEunEE3ibZYh2eg9SRz6AzKsTpMnG: subcollection_collection_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz_NFT Challenge F - 1 : "Singapore GP F -1 2022"
3PGYwuxEunEE3ibZYh2eg9SRz6AzKsTpMnG: collection_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz: "NFT Challenge F - 1 "
3P4UtpuAgP4vXJdbm8Cmw44s84SNmdZckUs: global_lastCheck_SCONEX_interest: 30108428695612 -> 30108428695615
3P4UtpuAgP4vXJdbm8Cmw44s84SNmdZckUs: global_SCONEX_earnings: 17775000000000 -> 17777250000000

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Check the Rules and Prizes at this link: https://nftchallenge.sportcash.one/prizes-and-rules/ - This NFT is unofficial and is no way associated with Formula 1 companies." }, { "type": "string", "value": "Motorsports" }, { "type": "string", "value": "VIDEO" }, { "type": "string", "value": "QmZibDbyx8BwctzBiCJmhgb6hFMLy3qgBdGD9Z4vwV7XpA" }, { "type": "string", "value": "This NFT Ticket give you the chance to participate in the Singapore F- 1 NFT Challenge for the 2022 Season. The WINNER (s) receives the total amount in USDN generated by the sale of all the NFTs Tickets Teams. An additional Prize of 20000 SCOneX tokens will be shared with all the portfolios that have an NFT of the team that won the race. The Total Prizes will be shared among all the NFT wallet winners." }, { "type": "string", "value": "" }, { "type": "string", "value": "NFT Challenge F - 1 " }, { "type": "string", "value": "Singapore GP F -1 2022" } ] }, "height": 3311553, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 779, "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "get_owner_by_hash_ffe83a5d5e4527ac5c7b1d835ac8f86704f22ee2630bb75f11bdec935e0095e3", "type": "string", "value": "3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz" }, { "key": "get_txid_by_hash_owner_BKf46mhWCnHpZbgWqmXKGBDLGjxFexHsYzgUVRJnpjAv", "type": "string", "value": "8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx" }, { "key": "art_date_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "integer", "value": 1664195135856 }, { "key": "art_name_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": ""LA ROSSA" Singapore GP F - 1" }, { "key": "art_desc_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "NFT Challenge F - 1 GP Singapore - This NFT represents Team Ferrari F 1 in the Singapore GP F - 1 2022 - You are a Winner of the Challenge If you hold the NFT Ticket of the Team Winner of the real race Singapore GP F 1 2022. Check the Rules and Prizes at this link: https://nftchallenge.sportcash.one/prizes-and-rules/ - This NFT is unofficial and is no way associated with Formula 1 companies." }, { "key": "art_display_cid_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "QmZibDbyx8BwctzBiCJmhgb6hFMLy3qgBdGD9Z4vwV7XpA" }, { "key": "art_type_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "VIDEO" }, { "key": "art_tags_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "Motorsports" }, { "key": "art_maxmint_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "integer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "art_issued_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "integer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "art_onsale_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "boolean", "value": false }, { "key": "get_hashbytxidaddr_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "ffe83a5d5e4527ac5c7b1d835ac8f86704f22ee2630bb75f11bdec935e0095e3" }, { "key": "art_entitlement_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "This NFT Ticket give you the chance to participate in the Singapore F- 1 NFT Challenge for the 2022 Season. 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The Total Prizes will be shared among all the NFT wallet winners." } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [ { "dApp": "3P4UtpuAgP4vXJdbm8Cmw44s84SNmdZckUs", "call": { "function": "validateAndProcessPayment", "args": [] }, "payment": [ { "assetId": "EnBAWjayxUrwL7KMTBvRzcS5RqGYwFfLPD4tFVu4Mpj3", "amount": 2500000000 } ], "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "global_SCONEX_earnings", "type": "integer", "value": 17777250000000 }, { "key": "global_lastCheck_SCONEX_interest", "type": "integer", "value": 30108428695615 } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } }, { "dApp": "3PGYwuxEunEE3ibZYh2eg9SRz6AzKsTpMnG", "call": { "function": "collectionProcess", "args": [ { "type": "String", "value": "NFT Challenge F - 1 " }, { "type": "String", "value": "Singapore GP F -1 2022" }, { "type": "String", "value": "3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz" } ] }, "payment": [], "stateChanges": { "data": [ { "key": "collection_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz", "type": "string", "value": "NFT Challenge F - 1 " }, { "key": "subcollection_collection_8SSwQSdbteQURPjZ7GT8WBWVqeijLtR1TQPBngoYsLHx_3PGQGJpAXL6PDHxahPqJbhTkzYoumQagafz_NFT Challenge F - 1 ", "type": "string", "value": "Singapore GP F -1 2022" } ], "transfers": [], "issues": [], "reissues": [], "burns": [], "sponsorFees": [], "leases": [], "leaseCancels": [], "invokes": [] } } ] } }

18.36 ms