tx · 77iLpGcbD3VnBF1yPbg2RsmjALQuFL2gDt4hZnyLkk7b

3PNmCnxwmv8LS3mrjk23PsYK2DQFH7j4Ln7:  +14930352.000000 BustMythCoin BMC
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.05.08 01:40 [2051632] issue 3PNmCnxwmv8LS3mrjk23PsYK2DQFH7j4Ln7 > SELF +14930352.000000 BustMythCoin BMC

{ "type": 3, "id": "77iLpGcbD3VnBF1yPbg2RsmjALQuFL2gDt4hZnyLkk7b", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1588891228318, "version": 2, "sender": "3PNmCnxwmv8LS3mrjk23PsYK2DQFH7j4Ln7", "senderPublicKey": "G5JbDwYfMxTgP7yjSqCtLWjPsEM9F8H7yMWqnifxvs1E", "proofs": [ "BdJvSfvBhYeotrG36rz3HwqT8ZhD9dWkDnZ2Wdx3EXfBNL7zymsohEDwegbyU2KWcNXj7vfm4cLBfCVJgT2EYRd" ], "assetId": "77iLpGcbD3VnBF1yPbg2RsmjALQuFL2gDt4hZnyLkk7b", "name": "BustMythCoin BMC", "quantity": 14930352000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 6, "description": "BustMythCoin (BMC) is a token that will value the truth. Truth is hard to find in the world of today. Information is key and spreading truth is powerful. There’s value in spreading the truth! BMC gives value to people who value spreading information. Spreading truthful information. \u2028The media and corporations create their own truth. A reality created to maximize profits. A reality that has value because the corporations and individuals gaining from it are the ones spending into it. Why can’t we the people have a system where we the people value the real information? The real truth. A system that will create our own reality and give it value! Help Bust the Myth! By valuing and being part of BMC!!\n\n14.930.352 tokens were created as per the 36th tier of the Fibonacci sequence. The amount is also a universal number 9. This amount will never change. We will use the light and the power of the universal energies to take back our world. \nSign up for the newsletter\nwww.themyth.net", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2051632, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.46 ms