tx · 6W56ZcajmnJCdVxzWLTx1LZFTJyx6bURnQ8VnEAouLt7

3PPKH8rdCSQ7ahcANeFxXwQXGRMf6XHJ2Fm:  +29700800.00000000 GAGU
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.04.21 02:24 [2026809] issue 3PPKH8rdCSQ7ahcANeFxXwQXGRMf6XHJ2Fm > SELF +29700800.00000000 GAGU

{ "type": 3, "id": "6W56ZcajmnJCdVxzWLTx1LZFTJyx6bURnQ8VnEAouLt7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1587425108154, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPKH8rdCSQ7ahcANeFxXwQXGRMf6XHJ2Fm", "senderPublicKey": "StYAY98BDsSDvhMRFauKxn5pWEcD6KxnRnvPDbtceZU", "proofs": [ "hgYtr9D15WMvvHHGSK5cH2GoRX9dtwmsGaE7bGwizy2zbaYzSK5vTbtvpW7FvJxVMT23QbBwKGRBRoTFbotmfs7" ], "assetId": "6W56ZcajmnJCdVxzWLTx1LZFTJyx6bURnQ8VnEAouLt7", "name": "GAGU", "quantity": 2970080000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "The GAIN GUN staking asset is the asset that you can stake and it guarantees an annual increase of a minimum 5% through continuous staking and reinvesting. Your investment is backed by leasing proof of staking smart assets USDN and is recocdmandet to traded with USDN for ensure the securit of the Waves network. Staking your GAGU by sending it to your self + lease Waves to >gagu< or >3PLeGWysAcsbP5XVyPGxAEbWNrx5N21bR8a< for trading your daily GAGU Staking it daily. Buy more GAGU and leasing more Waves to >gagu< for getting more GAGU trading daily. More Gets More. Growing your investment with the GAGU asset and trade daily GAGU profits. Join the GAGU Community at https://t.me/GAGUstaking", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2026809, "spentComplexity": 0 }

23.59 ms