tx · 7QAHt3miGrHxibJkAmciTAuFA86zrdtRVkdcGEo2ypJq

3P96cv6dnKxFDcpCmRfYDXzNwjinW7qhAN2:  +100000000.00000000 SpiteCoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.26 02:25 [933004] issue 3P96cv6dnKxFDcpCmRfYDXzNwjinW7qhAN2 > SELF +100000000.00000000 SpiteCoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "7QAHt3miGrHxibJkAmciTAuFA86zrdtRVkdcGEo2ypJq", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1522020473420, "version": 1, "sender": "3P96cv6dnKxFDcpCmRfYDXzNwjinW7qhAN2", "senderPublicKey": "3KjLixUEBod7ie1LypJDqG43jZ77D8RMwiihdLH1TsRp", "proofs": [ "5Jk1pCrgiEway2MsMrHmodmDRPfFYTDCiNpzR7CyKoYm1XKiFuh9neKr5rGk4qkCNSSsATguhiip4F72VGkZBA5s" ], "signature": "5Jk1pCrgiEway2MsMrHmodmDRPfFYTDCiNpzR7CyKoYm1XKiFuh9neKr5rGk4qkCNSSsATguhiip4F72VGkZBA5s", "assetId": "7QAHt3miGrHxibJkAmciTAuFA86zrdtRVkdcGEo2ypJq", "name": "SpiteCoin", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "SpiteCoin is a "badcoin" used to express unhappiness, discontent, or negative feelings/judgement. Think of it as a virtual "thumbs down," or vote of sanction or censure which remains documented eternally in an immutable blockchain. Historical precedents include the concepts of a "bad penny," "the black spot," or voudon bad luck charms. SpiteCoin encourages its recipients to reform or alter their behaviors. It can also be used in place of perpetrating adverse behaviors which could be harmful to individuals or society. SpiteCoin's use cases are as seemingly-unlimited as negative human behavior/emotion itself. The currency may one day prevent entire wars. SpiteCoin may be seen as undesirable to "HODL," yet at the same time, must be accumulated to be transferred; the original paradox of negative behavior/feelings. SpiteCoin's intrinsic value is equal to the harm which is able to prevent. To contact SpiteCoin's creator, please email Silvisrecords at gmail.com .", "height": 933004, "spentComplexity": 0 }

54.83 ms