tx · HAqDdaB7oy3yyTUc5xh3DRugy1o55LZbniYuM8qoHpED

3PPxUcFTNQmXN819cLTxxBeLthbqe6HHRrG:  +600000000 ADVC
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.09.24 13:37 [1720461] issue 3PPxUcFTNQmXN819cLTxxBeLthbqe6HHRrG > SELF +600000000 ADVC

{ "type": 3, "id": "HAqDdaB7oy3yyTUc5xh3DRugy1o55LZbniYuM8qoHpED", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1569321452913, "version": 2, "sender": "3PPxUcFTNQmXN819cLTxxBeLthbqe6HHRrG", "senderPublicKey": "7xUdmAWvMamsHBGoBNc3tK75rWDgtXfXZ6haDuZGxg66", "proofs": [ "3CXqs1xCoYFsVrsJG6iq1rNwu27a3f6Wrfczf8Kg2ybfebdZXzx8Yfo912yYznVXMBjYN58eZG5oM2QfMKSYoEDv" ], "assetId": "HAqDdaB7oy3yyTUc5xh3DRugy1o55LZbniYuM8qoHpED", "name": "ADVC", "quantity": 600000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "ADVC has been listed on the WAVES DEX exchange. You can watch the exchange rate of the coin on the stock exchange in real time. Thanks to the use of cryptocurrency on the partner sites, we have a positive course dynamics at the time of the ICO.\n\nIMPORTANT Pre-ICO and ICO members have a unique opportunity to buy ADVC at a price much lower than the one on the exchange. The cost of tokens varies from $0.07 to $0.20, depending on the ICO round.\n\nThe predicted value of the coin by the end of 2019 is $12. The launch of our advertising platform will have a positive impact on the exchange rate due to the use of ADVC as a local currency for settlements. Active transactions and a large amount of coin trading on the exchange will provide each owner with additional income.\nwhen paying for a package = $15 + 0.00% - surcharge to the amount of ADVC \n when paying for a package = $40 + 10.00% \n when paying for a package = $100 + 20.00% \nwhen paying for a package = $250 + 40.00%", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1720461, "spentComplexity": 0 }

31.08 ms