tx · 6ro9xRf97jbFsTan1LH2kseA4cbohzBGLExaXS3gokQX

3P3vvzVCx5afX7cbVqF8p96gHTfzNUANLGW:  +300000 740 PS Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.09.24 15:49 [680590] issue 3P3vvzVCx5afX7cbVqF8p96gHTfzNUANLGW > SELF +300000 740 PS Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "6ro9xRf97jbFsTan1LH2kseA4cbohzBGLExaXS3gokQX", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1506257305295, "version": 1, "sender": "3P3vvzVCx5afX7cbVqF8p96gHTfzNUANLGW", "senderPublicKey": "EXpucJ3id4bjns7JmYSA9hKStgxg7boPPN2AZsZzKYbP", "proofs": [ "jDJP3HVVrd1jxXgDK9P52fh8MUvM1gtYihm1ZxwVB5bZZv46NahREcGiicT6v1Fk8VWq4jLmDtRmF4LR6PfUHd6" ], "signature": "jDJP3HVVrd1jxXgDK9P52fh8MUvM1gtYihm1ZxwVB5bZZv46NahREcGiicT6v1Fk8VWq4jLmDtRmF4LR6PfUHd6", "assetId": "6ro9xRf97jbFsTan1LH2kseA4cbohzBGLExaXS3gokQX", "name": "740 PS Coin", "quantity": 300000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "My 2012 Ferrari F12 will be given away to a randomly chosen token holder after all of the 300'000 tokens have been sold. The car will be delivered within Europe right to your doorstep with all taxes and transport paid. To increase your chances, simply buy more tokens.", "height": 680590, "spentComplexity": 0 }

63.21 ms