tx · bbD5UNYxw1DXGnLHMZa3UzP39fAQN61uR2FdxqnEiXs

3PHXghAKtGfXZhR1YKgJf8v49YZCijVaMx3:  +5400000 WBjorn
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.07.23 05:22 [1627764] issue 3PHXghAKtGfXZhR1YKgJf8v49YZCijVaMx3 > SELF +5400000 WBjorn

{ "type": 3, "id": "bbD5UNYxw1DXGnLHMZa3UzP39fAQN61uR2FdxqnEiXs", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1563848470163, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHXghAKtGfXZhR1YKgJf8v49YZCijVaMx3", "senderPublicKey": "DiZktc8XAnh4ZWLJxbivwpyFg3Dp9UhGGjJRBYL3U76p", "proofs": [ "35eQtBQdpxykeAnFpKCLsBzTBKM72UmPKFMXasiWURjgRav2PJfCsNi22BtxM7Mo75KfzcF1t9WVtJjWgAWKVC5x" ], "assetId": "bbD5UNYxw1DXGnLHMZa3UzP39fAQN61uR2FdxqnEiXs", "name": "WBjorn", "quantity": 5400000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "WBjorn is the unstopable crypto-currency. By holding WBjorn, you show the power, strenght and durability of crypto-currency, and that it is here to stay. \n\nWBjorn is based on the "waterbear" ("vann-bjørn" (NOR)). \n\nUse the crypto WBjorn in an diverse set of ways. Who knows where crypto will lead us; the future is cryptic...", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1627764, "spentComplexity": 0 }

45.66 ms