tx · 3xDS1RcesKpnYy9xrS4gmVBq7RGnbtwF3KuJ6siwPomk

3PMjsG66P5PFn5HRWA8UZKZG6fGZnvxHCgf:  +90000000000000000.00 Double
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.05.04 17:04 [1511569] issue 3PMjsG66P5PFn5HRWA8UZKZG6fGZnvxHCgf > SELF +90000000000000000.00 Double

{ "type": 3, "id": "3xDS1RcesKpnYy9xrS4gmVBq7RGnbtwF3KuJ6siwPomk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1556978687743, "version": 2, "sender": "3PMjsG66P5PFn5HRWA8UZKZG6fGZnvxHCgf", "senderPublicKey": "mBH6nPG9kCgkUjyRcgCKoxq7DsZUNv7UeZyEm9UGe3u", "proofs": [ "5S6T3xYHW5Ujou6qvCxf52zN4FAsLGfAmXkYQqff6ZgZpebf6Jr4sYgS9tNT3uPUXKFpYHYZs49oqykgKMcfHhd1" ], "assetId": "3xDS1RcesKpnYy9xrS4gmVBq7RGnbtwF3KuJ6siwPomk", "name": "Double", "quantity": 9000000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "Double up is a token investment with high returns.\nHolders of 100 million will receive a 100% bonus weekly for each multiple of 100 million they hold at Sunday at 24:00 UTC.\nYou can then hold, sell or resell bonus to make return. There are no restrictions or scripts to dictate how your trade.\nMonitor the assets token ID in http://dev.pywaves.org/assets/ to see how many tokens are left in first address. Non-reissuable asset.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1511569, "spentComplexity": 0 }

41.43 ms