tx · HeGLnNFmMT6rfEdDhTZN91bGiNcQ43ZFPK57KMX9ovnS

3PM4i5xJ1YKbLmmFm2zewdwbaerKVwYmm8N:  +3499999999999.0000 KuboGold Premium
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.11.16 09:41 [1264098] issue 3PM4i5xJ1YKbLmmFm2zewdwbaerKVwYmm8N > SELF +3499999999999.0000 KuboGold Premium spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "HeGLnNFmMT6rfEdDhTZN91bGiNcQ43ZFPK57KMX9ovnS", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1542350507898, "version": 2, "sender": "3PM4i5xJ1YKbLmmFm2zewdwbaerKVwYmm8N", "senderPublicKey": "ByVSWBPbq2itPwZxEXYzLWsUYo3wLbqTnk2wG1VMcFoK", "proofs": [ "P6mVFR96swTsUsgzpzrebb4kX6jfb4JsmoSkJaqdBFEY1dU6DHEfsMsu35Ps7W5sUZ6cmLhtpeerQCY8boge17o" ], "assetId": "HeGLnNFmMT6rfEdDhTZN91bGiNcQ43ZFPK57KMX9ovnS", "name": "KuboGold Premium", "quantity": 34999999999990000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 4, "description": "This token was created for the intended purpose of being a currency for the DogeX crypto community. This token will allow users to experince using the wave platform and also send coins to eachother to support indivisual endveours. This is a not a ICO nor should be taken as a serious token project. However should be seen as a micro cap token that is affordable to the masses and serve as a fun token to hold and trade with", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1264098, "spentComplexity": 0 }

85.78 ms