tx · DMZbUVqERdhgpfHaRE3udyQS76HMC9HzNPhLKpP9A7tV

3P5wm6G7dxJoQg48rTGAHRzNtY8hyCsSx71:  +100000000000000.00 CAPS
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.11.13 11:40 [1259839] issue 3P5wm6G7dxJoQg48rTGAHRzNtY8hyCsSx71 > SELF +100000000000000.00 CAPS

{ "type": 3, "id": "DMZbUVqERdhgpfHaRE3udyQS76HMC9HzNPhLKpP9A7tV", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1542098458269, "version": 1, "sender": "3P5wm6G7dxJoQg48rTGAHRzNtY8hyCsSx71", "senderPublicKey": "3uyjY6CbCkAPN26qokYbtEuShWBtcupf9CWTb9EU1cj6", "proofs": [ "qz8MKRnVzREbRDcSaVQR1KABetq2HRh7ATYjbXHcsgspWrzQDWefq2sSnuGerbToMkskM2px4rn36XBCi6AbXA9" ], "signature": "qz8MKRnVzREbRDcSaVQR1KABetq2HRh7ATYjbXHcsgspWrzQDWefq2sSnuGerbToMkskM2px4rn36XBCi6AbXA9", "assetId": "DMZbUVqERdhgpfHaRE3udyQS76HMC9HzNPhLKpP9A7tV", "name": "CAPS", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "A new currency for the people. \nCAPS are used to purchase everyday items such as groceries, electronics, real estate, automobiles, accommodations and anything else bought with current currency. \nWith the most advanced trading, purchasing and storing system being built and available soon, CAPS will be the new currency for the future. Soon you will be able to enjoy the option to carry your CAPS with you in card, wrist watch or ring form. With the most up to date security features on the market you will always have your CAPS secure and available. Whether you start converting cash to CAPS now or later, CAPS is the future of currency.", "height": 1259839, "spentComplexity": 0 }

44.72 ms