tx · 4dBFtF35QVvwC9QTWZ8EJiWtovHzPcYMXdZz6nmsncT2

3PKf6jpwtywPEBbYgVQq2GRdwwoRNvGMUPv:  +100000000.00000000 exotic club
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2019.05.04 17:35 [1511603] issue 3PKf6jpwtywPEBbYgVQq2GRdwwoRNvGMUPv > SELF +100000000.00000000 exotic club

{ "type": 3, "id": "4dBFtF35QVvwC9QTWZ8EJiWtovHzPcYMXdZz6nmsncT2", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1556980579151, "version": 2, "sender": "3PKf6jpwtywPEBbYgVQq2GRdwwoRNvGMUPv", "senderPublicKey": "DFvxVLtjGyvi5b4uogXHrC9pzK8goB3TzoLyqXpXy6cF", "proofs": [ "5aGsmPmKUiJXsTntLnkeZdZWBJi1LMmTcehoAjv1vRVaNL9voutXaSTSDG88v5beJWbSmDQV3wPojiHhcvopWgqr" ], "assetId": "4dBFtF35QVvwC9QTWZ8EJiWtovHzPcYMXdZz6nmsncT2", "name": "exotic club", "quantity": 10000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "EXOTIC CLUB All of us are fencing the future. The new era that gives me a blockchain, a coin exchange between everyone. It's the perfect way to realize your vision and to provide rewards to all who participate in the development.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 1511603, "spentComplexity": 0 }

40.74 ms