tx · 5Pizo8tAzubwFDZuXxg6U1WKy6GuuT354zNvy8s4UgZG

3P9So9ZSrGdCnnXzMJ5F1amozrzFSFFhgcG:  +100000000 XTii
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.27 00:57 [1145008] issue 3P9So9ZSrGdCnnXzMJ5F1amozrzFSFFhgcG > SELF +100000000 XTii

{ "type": 3, "id": "5Pizo8tAzubwFDZuXxg6U1WKy6GuuT354zNvy8s4UgZG", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1535320624451, "version": 1, "sender": "3P9So9ZSrGdCnnXzMJ5F1amozrzFSFFhgcG", "senderPublicKey": "7neC6sAtps2hc6m7n4jhkLEXj9XeBvT5k71cwXVqzNKs", "proofs": [ "5mK9ozaWZBKNjYcXGLTRSoogpgimnzKuBkjE3ob6TWqtVnM5KK63K6An4Nb6KdTmNHTb1ScjY72Ts2XwzFyx5mQF" ], "signature": "5mK9ozaWZBKNjYcXGLTRSoogpgimnzKuBkjE3ob6TWqtVnM5KK63K6An4Nb6KdTmNHTb1ScjY72Ts2XwzFyx5mQF", "assetId": "5Pizo8tAzubwFDZuXxg6U1WKy6GuuT354zNvy8s4UgZG", "name": "XTii", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "Token Tii is ideal for gifting a special person, a charity or to benefit your customers. Exectly 100,000,000 Tii were created and divided into 1,000,000 accounts with 100Tii each.\nPrimary investors receive by email a contract containing three dozen that participate in raffles valid for the federal lottery in Brazil.\nBeing:\nA= Ten of the first prize\nB= Ten of the second prize\nC= Ten of the third prize\n\n", "height": 1145008, "spentComplexity": 0 }

41.55 ms