tx · Ce4Xh1eb97pXgDhzNtfm3wET21bn9Ri949DNXF2JMMm4

3P8yYtHKAAin3Nbz93forNyGwkQKZjJz7Mg:  +9000000000000.00000 Bit coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.08.03 03:10 [1110070] issue 3P8yYtHKAAin3Nbz93forNyGwkQKZjJz7Mg > SELF +9000000000000.00000 Bit coin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "Ce4Xh1eb97pXgDhzNtfm3wET21bn9Ri949DNXF2JMMm4", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1533255035049, "version": 1, "sender": "3P8yYtHKAAin3Nbz93forNyGwkQKZjJz7Mg", "senderPublicKey": "DaqjtFtNd2Y6MerGtHaLQXw1RbrRrJXJkoMicqp8cEVo", "proofs": [ "34Zsa1ekvQvQ4KccJArU3mQr1XXNWxh2zjYRW9yrYfFC6SomUaFafE2Gp4rReubUzGKJDB3s4w3QM2VnGyLjQtbF" ], "signature": "34Zsa1ekvQvQ4KccJArU3mQr1XXNWxh2zjYRW9yrYfFC6SomUaFafE2Gp4rReubUzGKJDB3s4w3QM2VnGyLjQtbF", "assetId": "Ce4Xh1eb97pXgDhzNtfm3wET21bn9Ri949DNXF2JMMm4", "name": "Bit coin", "quantity": 900000000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "Trade product and services value without intermediary.\n\nThe first cryptocurrency with immediate use.\n\nThis cryptocurrency, unlike the others, is not capitalized through pre-sales, but through the use of its users at the business points where it is accepted.\n\nTaken one by one with the dollar in the unionized businesses.\n\nThis cryptocurrency is the only one immune to the main problem that does not allow others to stabilize, which is that users limit themselves to buying but not to use, this slows the purpose as currency which is its massive use.", "height": 1110070, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.37 ms