tx · 2pbPFTKEMmekio9TEvk6NytdWxnyqKEgEVWjc1ivLdMP

3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr:  +1000000000.000 BlackEmpowerment
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.07.29 23:06 [1103963] issue 3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr > SELF +1000000000.000 BlackEmpowerment

{ "type": 3, "id": "2pbPFTKEMmekio9TEvk6NytdWxnyqKEgEVWjc1ivLdMP", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1532894825304, "version": 1, "sender": "3PEZFN8KVhhcTuvHJyURpvJHfYVBmib2Ypr", "senderPublicKey": "9mGxZSPcAPaeotYBRQpCYs1Sznan3PdZcCpCY2FzuKUn", "proofs": [ "4yYGbU54NEgFjFdU8pMbt4oapUaiCXhad89etKkngxf5pq2fBY3rfJ6ouAJ9CaiAnyT7rQ2jzptpHBqDikeDyW5q" ], "signature": "4yYGbU54NEgFjFdU8pMbt4oapUaiCXhad89etKkngxf5pq2fBY3rfJ6ouAJ9CaiAnyT7rQ2jzptpHBqDikeDyW5q", "assetId": "2pbPFTKEMmekio9TEvk6NytdWxnyqKEgEVWjc1ivLdMP", "name": "BlackEmpowerment", "quantity": 1000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "BET is a new token project to create something for the black community to empower change and be used to drive positive change and awareness back onto the black communities through divestment of community dollars away from colonizer controlled banks and creation of a banking system that works for the actual needs and interests of the black community as a whole ...reformation of the black wall street and a reaffirmation of black empowerment within the community and within the family", "height": 1103963, "spentComplexity": 0 }

42.92 ms