tx · GWgADgean6zKWsby3wVQ1TSSWCCFZT9t28nZ2N5vweT8

3P5AW1cP9Aaes7bTGbkaTVXX2eeXmKTEeKf:  +200000000.00 JOOPS
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.07.11 22:04 [1078731] issue 3P5AW1cP9Aaes7bTGbkaTVXX2eeXmKTEeKf > SELF +200000000.00 JOOPS

{ "type": 3, "id": "GWgADgean6zKWsby3wVQ1TSSWCCFZT9t28nZ2N5vweT8", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1531335839609, "version": 1, "sender": "3P5AW1cP9Aaes7bTGbkaTVXX2eeXmKTEeKf", "senderPublicKey": "Gbfkifopewy57NYQztXn19fHgGZLLPXfFzwreHWtPwep", "proofs": [ "4bh7itpmFHMQdapghNCUGAfSQHhKbqozgYXu2Uf2FgSfLEtcsoMUi645rWUsLV7haaY9CvSZENb4ScFuDFV1WvmE" ], "signature": "4bh7itpmFHMQdapghNCUGAfSQHhKbqozgYXu2Uf2FgSfLEtcsoMUi645rWUsLV7haaY9CvSZENb4ScFuDFV1WvmE", "assetId": "GWgADgean6zKWsby3wVQ1TSSWCCFZT9t28nZ2N5vweT8", "name": "JOOPS", "quantity": 20000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "JOOPS Is revolutionising the future of urban city transportation, using the JOOPS electric scooters to create a globally shared transport eco system. In short, shared scooters are environmentally friendly, convenient and easy to use, create less congestion, are cheap and fun to ride. Our team is developing a Decentralized App for scooter sharing. A Decentralized App (ÐApp) is a proprietary or public web app with a blockchain-based backend. Sharing a scooter with our ÐApp requires an existing joops wallet address for the user with the necessary funds to pay for the ride. This will be achieved by installing our app on the mobile phone of the user. The whole infastructure will be powered by the Tron Blockchain.", "height": 1078731, "spentComplexity": 0 }

59.00 ms