tx · C6esi27h3rkVwqkMcYJEtm3Z8MnJecerXUdixBbpXJFe

3PH24fZosCY29uWSfoWuuStSBLQA1hmggXU:  +100000000000.00 Agrocoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.13 09:36 [1039577] issue 3PH24fZosCY29uWSfoWuuStSBLQA1hmggXU > SELF +100000000000.00 Agrocoin spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "C6esi27h3rkVwqkMcYJEtm3Z8MnJecerXUdixBbpXJFe", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528871807924, "version": 1, "sender": "3PH24fZosCY29uWSfoWuuStSBLQA1hmggXU", "senderPublicKey": "F38Fh64XQjEdBow6GmfXVW4gjxCxFpQFgLxVTjd62ThX", "proofs": [ "485tYHcvHGojmaPYXCCZKjCZuzL4KRsLg3fzYVSNmUkh7m524bGj4829x1SPE1NMytG7bEjiRdtTKP47rhe7Y3sM" ], "signature": "485tYHcvHGojmaPYXCCZKjCZuzL4KRsLg3fzYVSNmUkh7m524bGj4829x1SPE1NMytG7bEjiRdtTKP47rhe7Y3sM", "assetId": "C6esi27h3rkVwqkMcYJEtm3Z8MnJecerXUdixBbpXJFe", "name": "Agrocoin", "quantity": 10000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 2, "description": "https://bitagro.io\n\nAGROCOIN – it is an international project, aimed at developing p2p platform, where people and companies can provide loans directly to one another without intermediaries. To make the World a better place! Food prices lower! To reduce the risk of fraud for market players. To help people learn how to invest. To provide affiliates with access to financial services with underserved level of service. Traders and crypto-currency users can stabilize the value of its assets by transfer them into Agrocoin’s crypto-assets.", "height": 1039577, "spentComplexity": 0 }

67.75 ms