tx · 77aGfA639EEQ2kNMFkP6HfDVpbT7s6isna2rtcw2fwa3

3PBsjBd3FM4jaL1vrPJtYpRabx14xHm86pr:  +350000000.00000000 REpow
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.06.10 12:37 [1035678] issue 3PBsjBd3FM4jaL1vrPJtYpRabx14xHm86pr > SELF +350000000.00000000 REpow

{ "type": 3, "id": "77aGfA639EEQ2kNMFkP6HfDVpbT7s6isna2rtcw2fwa3", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1528623434311, "version": 1, "sender": "3PBsjBd3FM4jaL1vrPJtYpRabx14xHm86pr", "senderPublicKey": "FFtscsMsNHxnhHUdw4QbQ6YM3YvpHqwwXuhjJnhqr9yH", "proofs": [ "4iVc1vp4kDqqi42tXNPS87MpsrqKyboXceCF5DVCyXRsfSs5sMMUGKiWsc7bFg7xKhmDA6wYvWPm8mXcfF52Q54b" ], "signature": "4iVc1vp4kDqqi42tXNPS87MpsrqKyboXceCF5DVCyXRsfSs5sMMUGKiWsc7bFg7xKhmDA6wYvWPm8mXcfF52Q54b", "assetId": "77aGfA639EEQ2kNMFkP6HfDVpbT7s6isna2rtcw2fwa3", "name": "REpow", "quantity": 35000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Corruption, Pollution & Centralisation are the 3 major painful points of the Power & Energy Sectors in any countries worldwide. REpow commit to accomplish the public blockchain and power purchase smart contract as a global community renewable energy power plant platform for all communities worldwide to access the opened source blockchain easily. Any Community can compete with the traditional large monopoly energy companies. The community can apply our platform to build and operate their own REnewable Energy Power Plant (VSPP 10 MWe) sustainably selling the electricity to the National Grid for 25 years. We contribute constructing the prototype REnewable Energy Power Plant, operate and transfer the ownership 95% back to the community. We commit to encourage the communities and wish them join us do the same thing simultaneously anywhere worldwide to decentralize the REnewable Energy & Power to the grassroots communities in a decade. Let's do it together for your grandchildren.", "height": 1035678, "spentComplexity": 0 }

39.15 ms