tx · FSWhxBoahtkK2MxBPc8J3yJnqB7CrCfCVQxLs24LnS1z

3PLfgJpn3HJkc6F6pY2WnLzTafukQxjsH4J:  +168000000000.0000 Pradeo
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.05.18 18:33 [1005325] issue 3PLfgJpn3HJkc6F6pY2WnLzTafukQxjsH4J > SELF +168000000000.0000 Pradeo

{ "type": 3, "id": "FSWhxBoahtkK2MxBPc8J3yJnqB7CrCfCVQxLs24LnS1z", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1526657635785, "version": 1, "sender": "3PLfgJpn3HJkc6F6pY2WnLzTafukQxjsH4J", "senderPublicKey": "AWwqWeX4gMM8gmXdiHEGmeEPzVFjrKQf4uUnrcGD17Tt", "proofs": [ "3Gp63ZkMdQd8da3wZtEy7Vrcc8Mk26U3XSqqG3W1D9Y1gybqgRSAMNpNiZRdWj8PcBtvSg39mWHvA9VapYaKdak1" ], "signature": "3Gp63ZkMdQd8da3wZtEy7Vrcc8Mk26U3XSqqG3W1D9Y1gybqgRSAMNpNiZRdWj8PcBtvSg39mWHvA9VapYaKdak1", "assetId": "FSWhxBoahtkK2MxBPc8J3yJnqB7CrCfCVQxLs24LnS1z", "name": "Pradeo", "quantity": 1680000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 4, "description": "P2P (Peer 2 Peer) Utility Tokens for the Pradeo P2P Video Streaming Platform where all members can make income simply by viewing and sharing your streaming contents with other users. \n\nFinally, a complete Passive Income solution for everyone interested in the project! Enable to share the contents you stream for other members on the network, and you earn Pradeo Tokens which can be used to pay for your network, mobile phone, internet, video, audio, and other content streamings, by storing them on the blockchains!\n\nFor more info, please check us out on our pradeo.io portal.", "height": 1005325, "spentComplexity": 0 }

44.02 ms