tx · Cs1s87dNeQArqyr5jqwWtqdSF96it4nAdQSxoLF9TK9h

3P4Y6BhzrS1LzdLnrryhLp5AfUuoBZModof:  +14200000.00000000 RETAW TOKEN
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.05.06 18:34 [989341] issue 3P4Y6BhzrS1LzdLnrryhLp5AfUuoBZModof > SELF +14200000.00000000 RETAW TOKEN

{ "type": 3, "id": "Cs1s87dNeQArqyr5jqwWtqdSF96it4nAdQSxoLF9TK9h", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1525620874040, "version": 1, "sender": "3P4Y6BhzrS1LzdLnrryhLp5AfUuoBZModof", "senderPublicKey": "2zuje615828rW6q6AK9QisZxBDWPoUxSW2gxV7mtSqZa", "proofs": [ "5ci39rLKgpFthry1FtrfEZuG9YjERvYTaFqdfBFgHh7Qt9rL6MhXDx93JGLzw8XhjtqBX1jjaCpf3p4RKyz33jJs" ], "signature": "5ci39rLKgpFthry1FtrfEZuG9YjERvYTaFqdfBFgHh7Qt9rL6MhXDx93JGLzw8XhjtqBX1jjaCpf3p4RKyz33jJs", "assetId": "Cs1s87dNeQArqyr5jqwWtqdSF96it4nAdQSxoLF9TK9h", "name": "RETAW TOKEN", "quantity": 1420000000000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 8, "description": "RETAW TOKEN is a decentralized and open-source crypto currency that introduces blockchain technology into the retail and whole sale sector of the economy that has to do with the exchange of goods and services. RETAW TOKEN offers privacy and transparency of transactions making both retail and whole sale services more efficient by managing financial settlements and reconciliation between different parties, making transactions much more efficient in terms of speed and verification of transactions.” RETAW TOKEN payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender and recipient remains private, bringing the database technology into mainstream use. RETAW TOKEN IS A WAY OF LIFE.", "height": 989341, "spentComplexity": 0 }

56.89 ms