tx · CetTv8AVCjzj8BQcjdjzDPgWZXHTwq4vf5B2nnrYHAY6

3P6d2D4YQ9HfdXVz2NxzKCcmGNc7aMLNpip:  +1200000000.00000000 Shells
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.31 14:30 [940498] issue 3P6d2D4YQ9HfdXVz2NxzKCcmGNc7aMLNpip > SELF +1200000000.00000000 Shells

{ "type": 3, "id": "CetTv8AVCjzj8BQcjdjzDPgWZXHTwq4vf5B2nnrYHAY6", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1522495900344, "version": 1, "sender": "3P6d2D4YQ9HfdXVz2NxzKCcmGNc7aMLNpip", "senderPublicKey": "4Wqy5Y7C8Lmewzwfm87Kj8a1RnW6esH8iZtFXQiUigQs", "proofs": [ "4pZUEyhMCVK95iDFmeMjcQXZcJJwbvHPXF979Se86tbYULHjBCwNiwsqyBb9B5Srht1i1wRsCHHMK8w1fiZwcc9v" ], "signature": "4pZUEyhMCVK95iDFmeMjcQXZcJJwbvHPXF979Se86tbYULHjBCwNiwsqyBb9B5Srht1i1wRsCHHMK8w1fiZwcc9v", "assetId": "CetTv8AVCjzj8BQcjdjzDPgWZXHTwq4vf5B2nnrYHAY6", "name": "Shells", "quantity": 120000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Shells \n\nhybrid anonymous cryptocurrency. Premined and are set-up to be fully decentralized giving individuals complete and anonymous control.\n\nWhat is a hybrid cryptocurrency?\n\nA hybrid cryptocurrency is an electronic generated unit that uses advanced encryption techniques for generation, transfer, and validation.\n\nWhat is a Shells?\n\nShells is a hybrid cryptocurrency that was created for people to use as a digital new age currency\n\nShell money is a medium of exchange similar to coin money and other forms of commodity money, made for the people to be used in all parts of the world. \n\nFor thousands of years, shells were used as currency around the world, from China to Arabia and Africa. Their widespread use shows that people entrusted such objects a worth independent of their intrinsic value, enabling their daily trade.\nThe concept of money has changed a lot since it was first introduced, but in its essence is still more or less the same.", "height": 940498, "spentComplexity": 0 }

53.42 ms