tx · Dfcvy4mfkuycCdMDhQvun4ix8moTuC4gJE67AeQ9DBkk

3P7QwoN29HjyWiWvznHtmYkZGfeNBofis1d:  +44346200.00000000 UndalPrimeToken
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.26 17:07 [933818] issue 3P7QwoN29HjyWiWvznHtmYkZGfeNBofis1d > SELF +44346200.00000000 UndalPrimeToken

{ "type": 3, "id": "Dfcvy4mfkuycCdMDhQvun4ix8moTuC4gJE67AeQ9DBkk", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1522073427832, "version": 1, "sender": "3P7QwoN29HjyWiWvznHtmYkZGfeNBofis1d", "senderPublicKey": "BDmcJsPtfUoP5tuBnyA4ZSavBkwJfZS61Cgiz5AfamZK", "proofs": [ "2g64yviLhtXKkhtxiUsFakY6t9gHPFJBovLABwEh7nzn4H8Y4pNG71cdAoTnR67f58K6C2X1F3YSgJZSaY5tK3eT" ], "signature": "2g64yviLhtXKkhtxiUsFakY6t9gHPFJBovLABwEh7nzn4H8Y4pNG71cdAoTnR67f58K6C2X1F3YSgJZSaY5tK3eT", "assetId": "Dfcvy4mfkuycCdMDhQvun4ix8moTuC4gJE67AeQ9DBkk", "name": "UndalPrimeToken", "quantity": 4434620000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Undal Prime Token is a utility token developed to assit Undal Technologies in Unifying Africa, end corruption and poverty, while decolinising and returning sovereignty to the global African people and lands of Africa. We believe Technology and Fintech infused with our precolonial culture, will allow the United Continental African to achieve these goals. Purchasing UPTs will add you to a mighty race commited in ending the African Holocaust plus will be considered prepayment for the amazing culturally infused African Technologies we are devleoping with your support.", "height": 933818, "spentComplexity": 0 }

47.64 ms