tx · FGsEFCF7VHdneux2qosUbSm9sLiGgHMDF94f79kshBq7

3PGKrHDsf9SxkpPm4KK7AZvUMThnKEDMx6M:  +99133226.00000000 Monopoly
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.03.18 19:33 [923083] issue 3PGKrHDsf9SxkpPm4KK7AZvUMThnKEDMx6M > SELF +99133226.00000000 Monopoly spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "FGsEFCF7VHdneux2qosUbSm9sLiGgHMDF94f79kshBq7", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1521390895197, "version": 1, "sender": "3PGKrHDsf9SxkpPm4KK7AZvUMThnKEDMx6M", "senderPublicKey": "DkYtxYeV2zH2KNPzsjcJbJg1vAhoKDNYWbyprJbJaaAq", "proofs": [ "29hxj8ZW4Kz4zhb4UdbeUbCrYQ3tifaDjCapyZfttTRCmAH4rEM17VbXZu9mGPxmandS3Fdqq2U7rLWRacKMVGyN" ], "signature": "29hxj8ZW4Kz4zhb4UdbeUbCrYQ3tifaDjCapyZfttTRCmAH4rEM17VbXZu9mGPxmandS3Fdqq2U7rLWRacKMVGyN", "assetId": "FGsEFCF7VHdneux2qosUbSm9sLiGgHMDF94f79kshBq7", "name": "Monopoly", "quantity": 9913322600000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "This is a unique token that is provided by different types of assets of companies of different industries, locations and scale, from the most promising to the most popular ones such as: Tesla, SpaceX, Yandex, JPMorgan Chase, Gazprom, Alibaba, Adidas, Visa and others. More: www.monopoly.chainup.link\nThe acquisition of assets is a kind of investment in production, for the creation of useful products and services.\nTokens Monopoly and Famga unite investment, production and consumption in a single chain, rising to a new level of development.\nMonopoly combines two different types of investments, two different economies, but at the same time on the decentralized platform of chainup and beyond it is possible to use Monopoly as an ordinary settlement means for the purchase of goods and services. Conversion on the blockchain platform: Chain UP Investment Reserve.", "height": 923083, "spentComplexity": 0 }

62.25 ms