tx · 8Yi2cKVxiSm7VHj1bFPzESwciWFhc3c6UjbJE2aLjyXv

3PLRHJtXfrVWsTBkJZB64sPHKwkwGXi8wV1:  +300000000000000.00 DEBT
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2018.01.13 00:45 [833841] issue 3PLRHJtXfrVWsTBkJZB64sPHKwkwGXi8wV1 > SELF +300000000000000.00 DEBT

{ "type": 3, "id": "8Yi2cKVxiSm7VHj1bFPzESwciWFhc3c6UjbJE2aLjyXv", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1515793597866, "version": 1, "sender": "3PLRHJtXfrVWsTBkJZB64sPHKwkwGXi8wV1", "senderPublicKey": "237jxDF4wSHRip4kiEE9LN9xbQeysea9eYRorVZR31SN", "proofs": [ "3RGuxnTLQpZvwDpUn5KqhiGDmb483DGE1FS285JFeiAEgQqd1hZ25bLAD7bpQzobfdxbEZM9diqFuH2shXuHFQKG" ], "signature": "3RGuxnTLQpZvwDpUn5KqhiGDmb483DGE1FS285JFeiAEgQqd1hZ25bLAD7bpQzobfdxbEZM9diqFuH2shXuHFQKG", "assetId": "8Yi2cKVxiSm7VHj1bFPzESwciWFhc3c6UjbJE2aLjyXv", "name": "DEBT", "quantity": 30000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 2, "description": "Debt Coin is a currency that you use to pay debts that you will never pay with real money. \n\nThe idea is to provide moral support and a sense of being free of debt. \n\nAllways ask if you can pay with DEBT Coin. \n\nThe whole world is based on a system of unpayable debts, which grow every year and currently stands at 325% of the world's Gross Domestic Product amounting to 300 Trillion dollars.\n\n All these debts would never be paid until DEBT COIN appears ;)", "height": 833841, "spentComplexity": 0 }

81.89 ms