tx · 2dSY4G3wtg8mbNK6Vc9Jg6vEWEXN9Snon8yvrbGL6UYC

3PCcevy6hqzpC68wvksEusYFxyXsXiy3F7c:  +10000.000 Connection Coin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.21 21:28 [633768] issue 3PCcevy6hqzpC68wvksEusYFxyXsXiy3F7c > SELF +10000.000 Connection Coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "2dSY4G3wtg8mbNK6Vc9Jg6vEWEXN9Snon8yvrbGL6UYC", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1503340006943, "version": 1, "sender": "3PCcevy6hqzpC68wvksEusYFxyXsXiy3F7c", "senderPublicKey": "w4yYqJFvXxx6bn5tnwuraLWeqaA4jV1ARjo3fRjBShr", "proofs": [ "4znNjcPoTLJnXYD9ftaRuWv8TKTufmpg18dFEgxyNU93FBYvnZcc6fr6nUXGQuQKc22sp9bLEK7WUVftMaNA5FJe" ], "signature": "4znNjcPoTLJnXYD9ftaRuWv8TKTufmpg18dFEgxyNU93FBYvnZcc6fr6nUXGQuQKc22sp9bLEK7WUVftMaNA5FJe", "assetId": "2dSY4G3wtg8mbNK6Vc9Jg6vEWEXN9Snon8yvrbGL6UYC", "name": "Connection Coin", "quantity": 10000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "This Token should be used to pay each other for relief actions like private tutoring, removal allowance, babysitting etc. \nThe coin can build up a bridge for profiting from helping other people and finding help for your own problems in your region.\nThe next steps in the development are a website and an application with a tracking system where you can offer and find help projekts.", "height": 633768, "spentComplexity": 0 }

79.17 ms