2020.10.27 10:45 [2302483] issue 3P8hebWB4DFLk8D1S5UBDMY7ePdvfcXt2Ln > SELF +993000000000000.000 Goldenium coin

{ "type": 3, "id": "2MhhcsAHsGp86RoDhqGReGZHXsvBUUJEYdUieHGPdREj", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1603784768214, "version": 2, "sender": "3P8hebWB4DFLk8D1S5UBDMY7ePdvfcXt2Ln", "senderPublicKey": "Fu5ibbMXaMLmCqJpTiKG9yS93xzDJ2yGmjEujqQSyiDP", "proofs": [ "4SxKAZELehS2ur6wRqZBkTmtrFh2ZwhFADF8zXGvARNpa3PPQ2SkSEq3u9bMKbByRAJ3b7VdVZoobDyBF5cut7tE" ], "assetId": "2MhhcsAHsGp86RoDhqGReGZHXsvBUUJEYdUieHGPdREj", "name": "Goldenium coin", "quantity": 993000000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 3, "description": "Goldenium coin - The cost of one Goldenium coin is equal to the cost of 1 gram of gold on world exchanges.\nThe coin can be used to pay between legal entities and individuals. All over Europe, North America, South America and all the rest of the world.", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2302483, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

15.66 ms