tx · 25QtWaNb4cgzmLuVP6x1Wu4J9JTiZRmcLQkkHNEU1hDF

3PANHJ4eGSJt4iPUK9XDzbHgweXzK228T9P:  +1000000 DENDER
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.28 01:07 [642253] issue 3PANHJ4eGSJt4iPUK9XDzbHgweXzK228T9P > SELF +1000000 DENDER spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "25QtWaNb4cgzmLuVP6x1Wu4J9JTiZRmcLQkkHNEU1hDF", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1503871391907, "version": 1, "sender": "3PANHJ4eGSJt4iPUK9XDzbHgweXzK228T9P", "senderPublicKey": "9UhHGHbmrVSDRvom17DikhzXb7Pk3k9yVGWWBYs1Hjfs", "proofs": [ "2sC8ERfdgfVgaY3pzR3evTEdbM723gFjc22avyREahkEEEKUGUnSULKWkLp8tZSdn3J9gH6oiYzB9xXQcU5vGmLe" ], "signature": "2sC8ERfdgfVgaY3pzR3evTEdbM723gFjc22avyREahkEEEKUGUnSULKWkLp8tZSdn3J9gH6oiYzB9xXQcU5vGmLe", "assetId": "25QtWaNb4cgzmLuVP6x1Wu4J9JTiZRmcLQkkHNEU1hDF", "name": "DENDER", "quantity": 1000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "Indivisible cryptotoken DENDER is designed to provide its owner the opportunity to sponsor virtual country WEGDA, and to guarantee the right to register citizenship in this country, the cost of which will be closer to 1000$, to the final launch of the project WEGDA, be presented on the channel YOUTUBE - ROBINGOOD'S DREAM COME TRUE, in the trilogy - THE DREAM ROBINHOOD MADE BY RUSSIA (and also visit the website http://WEGDA.ru/).", "height": 642253, "spentComplexity": 0 }

66.36 ms