tx · 9FSKfnF2aK231pmgVQnmWatFm5vEYLxut9JSLxRe9XP8

3PETKN9QBnbVdoSkSUEegcbJUcDKmEtPaxG:  +100000000 GiveBack
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.24 07:20 [637049] issue 3PETKN9QBnbVdoSkSUEegcbJUcDKmEtPaxG > SELF +100000000 GiveBack

{ "type": 3, "id": "9FSKfnF2aK231pmgVQnmWatFm5vEYLxut9JSLxRe9XP8", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1503548442887, "version": 1, "sender": "3PETKN9QBnbVdoSkSUEegcbJUcDKmEtPaxG", "senderPublicKey": "Hj7eLEwPR32js9uN1hmNBSMjVaYcGbVFRkrB7SQ7kDuF", "proofs": [ "25jBPqrdP7J45xmVVonTfqTKZfHoUChapxfcXZ6Xxkfn6BRg2FMfBmaBixT7c4LemZHQB1dosv36JUEC2zyLrpV4" ], "signature": "25jBPqrdP7J45xmVVonTfqTKZfHoUChapxfcXZ6Xxkfn6BRg2FMfBmaBixT7c4LemZHQB1dosv36JUEC2zyLrpV4", "assetId": "9FSKfnF2aK231pmgVQnmWatFm5vEYLxut9JSLxRe9XP8", "name": "GiveBack", "quantity": 100000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": ""You GiveBack to charity, and we GiveBack to you."\n\nGiveBack token is a revolutionary charity concept. A "giver" of GiveBack tokens will be chosen at random to split the pot with a charity of their choice. Each token given to the pot is equal to one entry, so the more you give the better your chances.", "height": 637049, "spentComplexity": 0 }

71.99 ms