tx · 33Z38wfinKfc4h3HCt78WjphP7hPEzzJZhmz8Kppay2Z

3PNNBTzyviE34o3fX8QquWhwBY55eyKSULe:  +1500000 Imexcoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.08.12 17:11 [620880] issue 3PNNBTzyviE34o3fX8QquWhwBY55eyKSULe > SELF +1500000 Imexcoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "33Z38wfinKfc4h3HCt78WjphP7hPEzzJZhmz8Kppay2Z", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1502546949644, "version": 1, "sender": "3PNNBTzyviE34o3fX8QquWhwBY55eyKSULe", "senderPublicKey": "4e21akvYHouYTKUzMFLXciigV5waKwzpH3FnHqr1NvHH", "proofs": [ "3pnBx8ovLdpxifabPpHhBUPDqVgyBowzYYTShaMA7RdJXk4Cw8fAeN37sQGHT7aU6AEaBU3BLmzZhhw7qUvRZZtT" ], "signature": "3pnBx8ovLdpxifabPpHhBUPDqVgyBowzYYTShaMA7RdJXk4Cw8fAeN37sQGHT7aU6AEaBU3BLmzZhhw7qUvRZZtT", "assetId": "33Z38wfinKfc4h3HCt78WjphP7hPEzzJZhmz8Kppay2Z", "name": "Imexcoin", "quantity": 1500000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 0, "description": "Imexcoin token is one of the first crypto currencies that is provided by real businesses in various sectors of the economy. The main activity is import-export operations with various goods produced in different countries of the world. Hence the name of the token: IMport-EXport Token. Imexcoin is supported by the real economic activity of our company. In the near future, the token will be provided by the production of demanded goods, as well as the provision of various services in the tourism sector of our business.\nThe issue of the token will be 1 million 500 thousand tokens. \nThe owners of the token will be able to profit from both the growth of the price of the token and the profit of the company, with which at least 30% will be sent to the owners of the token for remuneration. In addition, each owner will receive discounts and free services when traveling around the world.\nwww.imexcoin.com", "height": 620880, "spentComplexity": 0 }

92.17 ms