tx · A8NnpikFDyTpWXhsvwRij76BcbcQ3mRmEPTDusNEDJd9

3PQYzNX3eSTzvV3kNf4SUijMpcromwYdRzd:  +150000 Exotic Car Club
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.05.11 04:43 [490115] issue 3PQYzNX3eSTzvV3kNf4SUijMpcromwYdRzd > SELF +150000 Exotic Car Club

{ "type": 3, "id": "A8NnpikFDyTpWXhsvwRij76BcbcQ3mRmEPTDusNEDJd9", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1494466988140, "version": 1, "sender": "3PQYzNX3eSTzvV3kNf4SUijMpcromwYdRzd", "senderPublicKey": "CLxyR948hHwT52BXUqyZDCsv4ZXENFQXzuGDCWPZQ1ua", "proofs": [ "4yYawWYyiZWMNWZy8uZ7g8b7CrcmJK2j4QyAxJwmYkeS7LnNLUHbKh6ZNqGVTEsCeJWjVoupB9rUzoYGkzDhWQXt" ], "signature": "4yYawWYyiZWMNWZy8uZ7g8b7CrcmJK2j4QyAxJwmYkeS7LnNLUHbKh6ZNqGVTEsCeJWjVoupB9rUzoYGkzDhWQXt", "assetId": "A8NnpikFDyTpWXhsvwRij76BcbcQ3mRmEPTDusNEDJd9", "name": "Exotic Car Club", "quantity": 150000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "It has been a dream of mine since childhood to own an exotic car (Lamborghini) I don't need a brand new one or crazy model either. I would love to get a 2004-2006 Gallardo which range in price from $85,000 to $120,000 This is my attempt at crowdfunding this effort. Please help me realize my dream and allow me to join the Exotic Car Club. I will forever be indebted to you. Please donate if you can to my effort. This coin will trade with WAVES, BITCOIN, USD, and EURO Please help if you can. My goal is to reach $80,000 with this effort. I am listing the coins at $1 a piece and sending out 50,000 to WAVES addresses to announce my effort publicly. Thank you for all those that contribute. Cheers!", "height": 490115, "spentComplexity": 0 }

62.53 ms