tx · 2wHesBPeiv22QfMqHnUQuNe5zjSBS8vkWVPQXTHtjL3V

3PNuRtYTjZf4korks3tp2NydHTmBzMYqhwu:  +3.00000 Rare&Valuable
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2017.05.08 08:26 [486079] issue 3PNuRtYTjZf4korks3tp2NydHTmBzMYqhwu > SELF +3.00000 Rare&Valuable

{ "type": 3, "id": "2wHesBPeiv22QfMqHnUQuNe5zjSBS8vkWVPQXTHtjL3V", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1494221072001, "version": 1, "sender": "3PNuRtYTjZf4korks3tp2NydHTmBzMYqhwu", "senderPublicKey": "ENo6J5iE3zUS4xi78YugzEVVDb1zijsAs1yTeaarqdPG", "proofs": [ "4hN7uwJ8PFRHXVaCwUWcdD23qZpa5uLekRh4DWvfwk7mb3UUTN1PWyN8HwoP9BmEJ75fdeD7P7LFy7fU4zANyq6x" ], "signature": "4hN7uwJ8PFRHXVaCwUWcdD23qZpa5uLekRh4DWvfwk7mb3UUTN1PWyN8HwoP9BmEJ75fdeD7P7LFy7fU4zANyq6x", "assetId": "2wHesBPeiv22QfMqHnUQuNe5zjSBS8vkWVPQXTHtjL3V", "name": "Rare&Valuable", "quantity": 300000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 5, "description": "This is an extremely rare and valuable token. Very useful as well. There are only 3 to ever be. Upon collecting all 3, may get a wish perhaps. But be aware in which the order of tokens you collect them in for if you do not start with the first token, then the second, then the third, you may not get your wish.", "height": 486079, "spentComplexity": 0 }

69.60 ms