tx · H9A7YudeDdZFrzsD63zTRQUNqBSwY6DJoy4ZTYViuW7o

3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ:  +175800000000 Neuronvalka
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.07.16 18:28 [2681118] issue 3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ > SELF +175800000000 Neuronvalka

{ "type": 3, "id": "H9A7YudeDdZFrzsD63zTRQUNqBSwY6DJoy4ZTYViuW7o", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1626449173281, "version": 2, "sender": "3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ", "senderPublicKey": "75saKbsBjpc9FPm7VPm5m7HNZt6zm482ZjkpojhPRceU", "proofs": [ "41upYXaPKQ4Un5HQp1aYLe5Up3LrqDXPzKC1jV5eUc9HJZDV37eXqL8AfMCG3hpfWU8m2SpfUSA1HL7YqwhWSpCr" ], "assetId": "H9A7YudeDdZFrzsD63zTRQUNqBSwY6DJoy4ZTYViuW7o", "name": "Neuronvalka", "quantity": 175800000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "The Neuronvalka is the unitary cryptocurrency representing the value of a neuron of the "mutant" biogeometaphysician Elran Valceka, belonging to a new species of human rebooted by espriassic self-conception and autonomous external identification following a major childhood social fracture. The esprias of Elran Valceka (his brain), now completely decompartmentalized and autonomous, has thus been able to progressively work and conceive new theories on the functioning of the universe and anthropogenic societies for 20 years. Now 43 years old, the latter works on promoting Neuronvalka and Thermocoin in order to finance research in astrophysics and aerospace engineering. By holding neuronvalka crypto currencies (NK) you become the holder of a fraction of the researcher's number of neurons and thus participate in the funding of cutting-edge research in order to send humans to another planet and allow us to definitively understand the nature of the universe. ", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2681118, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

16.29 ms