tx · 9Rm9BYZzmeT8d3y3o1XdFbsHi1NjKxmKtxvbfRSML86S

3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ:  +7703223 Thermocoin
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.06.26 16:33 [2652176] issue 3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ > SELF +7703223 Thermocoin

{ "type": 3, "id": "9Rm9BYZzmeT8d3y3o1XdFbsHi1NjKxmKtxvbfRSML86S", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1624714395592, "version": 2, "sender": "3PJmPu4kRRi2bEGkANnXcxEfDGmmsUUFZRZ", "senderPublicKey": "75saKbsBjpc9FPm7VPm5m7HNZt6zm482ZjkpojhPRceU", "proofs": [ "21RMve2zANGbST4nw7v5KkS9JH17FgzqDzjwEWqiQX7fhHSQvf3BNAQnBEAsDwj3TnzJouJd1cU45zQTzsrugakm" ], "assetId": "9Rm9BYZzmeT8d3y3o1XdFbsHi1NjKxmKtxvbfRSML86S", "name": "Thermocoin", "quantity": 7703223, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 0, "description": "The thermocoins are linked to the biogeometaphysician Elran Valceka global theory on the functioning of the universe. The three main concepts never seen before are: the general TME, the Esprias intercessor, and the ENE, the ultimate principle. By investing in thermocoins, you are boosting development and research in astrophysics and space research in probable connection with this theory and a new axiom of unification between quantum and classical mechanics. Thanks to the principle of "phantom gravity" in probable connection with dark matter by a "mass threshold" inversely proportional to the collapse of a star on itself, quantum decoherence would become the link between the two. His theses are exposed in the book "the three keys of the universe". Thermocoin for Thermopyles battle: symbol of resistance, freedom, sacrifice, courage, confrontation, adaptation, research of solutions, humanity, progression, transformation, evolution, competition, love, life and eternity. ", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2652176, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

59.22 ms