tx · 77hKpFxJzt5SNfpK8kNUU8FVPygQEimRn6H6afEwfPYE

3PQyxaUEM2XABv8PtMLamkp6EUqC1SCCTHN:  +7777777.0000000 SPECULATHOR
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2021.02.21 22:42 [2472143] issue 3PQyxaUEM2XABv8PtMLamkp6EUqC1SCCTHN > SELF +7777777.0000000 SPECULATHOR spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "77hKpFxJzt5SNfpK8kNUU8FVPygQEimRn6H6afEwfPYE", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1613936485496, "version": 2, "sender": "3PQyxaUEM2XABv8PtMLamkp6EUqC1SCCTHN", "senderPublicKey": "GFXBUWmfvz7b8K2VGVH4b69xuV3ukBuxgRyksBLKQFYz", "proofs": [ "5Cs2Xe5r2Rm6m6EjVqbddn6TeuLmXKHGftF1UQfTC158gjCvkRECtZ5ap5NTvxEpykAcJ2nQAsvXCjByNt6VFaxX" ], "assetId": "77hKpFxJzt5SNfpK8kNUU8FVPygQEimRn6H6afEwfPYE", "name": "SPECULATHOR", "quantity": 77777770000000, "reissuable": false, "decimals": 7, "description": "Speculathor is a token based on Waves (61th) Blockchain. \n\nThe first persons who will invest in this project will be the winners. \nThe total assets of this token is limited at 7 777 777 tokens. It is not reissuable. \n\nPlease find below a short story which may explain the concept of our Speculathor token : \n\n" David is in Paris. His friend, Maurice, wants to sell him 1000 jeans at 1$ / jean. \nDavid is really interested, and buy all of them. \nAfter it, David is selling the jeans to his other friend Charly at 2$/jean. \nAt the end, after several transactions, the jean's price is at 50$. The problem, is that, when the final beneficiary open the packages, with all the 1000 jeans. He constats that they have only 1 leg. It means they are only 1 leg jeans. (useless)\n\nAfter several complaints, David ask to Maurice some clarifications , he answers with only one sentence : \n" We don't care about the one leg's jean, the only aim of it is to sell, to buy, to sell, to buy, etc..."", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2472143, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

19.89 ms