tx · 9VGewXb3HJwYxBKYWgmoeKB64Cp2vrE5siyDyqa4okzQ

3PHwK9KqgLGXvZBtZu2ive3vUniEf9zRvDZ:  +21000000.00000000 Dicoin ( DCO )
———————————————————————————————————:  -1.00000000 Waves

2020.11.17 14:44 [2333078] issue 3PHwK9KqgLGXvZBtZu2ive3vUniEf9zRvDZ > SELF +21000000.00000000 Dicoin ( DCO ) spam

{ "type": 3, "id": "9VGewXb3HJwYxBKYWgmoeKB64Cp2vrE5siyDyqa4okzQ", "fee": 100000000, "feeAssetId": null, "timestamp": 1605613280761, "version": 2, "sender": "3PHwK9KqgLGXvZBtZu2ive3vUniEf9zRvDZ", "senderPublicKey": "GcvNRoWSCzKLoecSUGTzRgs8Ms261b2SnR9nHxeUyfRv", "proofs": [ "4v3jdKpbRkUzyXg7q3XMWEDenvcPFXE8QUThrWFU9AbKCa5MahVDvpiaHdvV3MfEsZ97L68ia5Foo8552yeqXmJv" ], "assetId": "9VGewXb3HJwYxBKYWgmoeKB64Cp2vrE5siyDyqa4okzQ", "name": "Dicoin ( DCO )", "quantity": 2100000000000000, "reissuable": true, "decimals": 8, "description": "Dicoin is Crypto Star's currency, and can be used to pay for various services offered by Cryptostar.asia\n\nCLOUD MINING FOR EVERYONE\n\nOur service makes cloud mining accessible to everyone. There is no longer any need to buy expensive equipment and waste time on the equipment.\nSimply select the desired service and generate your revenue!\nWe offer the easiest and cheapest way to break down over 1500 cryptocurrencies, regardless of whether they are based on a SHA-256 or Scrypt algorithm.\n\nhttps://www.cryptostar.asia", "script": null, "chainId": 87, "height": 2333078, "applicationStatus": "succeeded", "spentComplexity": 0 }

29.92 ms