3PEBtiSVLrqyYxGd76vXKu8FFWWsD1c5uYG · data · auction_Em1R2ZZHYBeDmjMaxNRT9YFXh4AdtYfkv3i3d2ER8kzd_description
    "auction_Em1R2ZZHYBeDmjMaxNRT9YFXh4AdtYfkv3i3d2ER8kzd_description": "This super strong Knight have A, B & C genes only.
His rarity will never falls down.
There is no A,B & C-genes in incubator anymore, so its very expensive to make Knight with this rare genes.
Start farm today with his ~0.35 egg/month productivity!"


    "2021.08.05 16:07": "This super strong Knight have A, B & C genes only.
His rarity will never falls down.
There is no A,B & C-genes in incubator anymore, so its very expensive to make Knight with this rare genes.
Start farm today with his ~0.35 egg/month productivity!"

3.12 ms