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    "2021.08.17 17:27": null,
    "2021.04.15 11:38": "Every couple of days i put apart, tidy up and rearrange some of the most iconic of NFTs. 

Each of the noveau compositions is published as a limited edition with the opportunity to own one of the big names in a somewhat different arrangement. 

If sales and royalties combined ever reach the price of the original NFT i will buy and burn it. Leaving back just tidy, well organized art. ",
    "2021.04.15 11:32": "Every couple of days i put apart, tidy up and rearrange some of the most iconic of NFTs. 

Each of the noveau compositions is published as a limited edition with the opportunity to own one of the big names in a somewhat different arrangement. 

If sales and royalties combined ever reach the price of the original NFT i will buy and burn it. Leaving back just tidy, well organized art. "

7.67 ms