3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_DDUxj1NiitYEtNwUb8ws18wSieYeJd6tAPsStXdnT8pW_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz
    "art_desc_DDUxj1NiitYEtNwUb8ws18wSieYeJd6tAPsStXdnT8pW_3PPNWQeXvAuw42ccZREeENfxJycuKtdzcLz": "A Mandelbulb3D 3D fractal, created using a combination of ABoxPlatinumB and Menger3 formulas. Discovered after patient exploration of the Fractal Universe and finely tuned using the software tools and patient love and care!"


    "2023.02.18 09:30": "A Mandelbulb3D 3D fractal, created using a combination of ABoxPlatinumB and Menger3 formulas. Discovered after patient exploration of the Fractal Universe and finely tuned using the software tools and patient love and care!"

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