3PDBLdsUrcsiPxNbt8g2gQVoefKgzt3kJzV · data · art_desc_9RBDy44vqefmptoZ7GPpKvVx2VisnWT8mtLZtetA46Hm_3PHu93cuLCpwoYCw8eZzymMBAJpVhe6ADcm
    "art_desc_9RBDy44vqefmptoZ7GPpKvVx2VisnWT8mtLZtetA46Hm_3PHu93cuLCpwoYCw8eZzymMBAJpVhe6ADcm": "This artwork has a 'something' as it is mezmerising to watch, I visualise it on show in a public VR world. I also am enamoured with the reimagined four horsemen concept. As It is an unusual work Im setting a ltd edition of 5 - plus a low price barrier. And commercial display rights are granted as stated below.
The work germinated from the adage -
"somethng old, something new, something borrowed & something blue"


    "2021.05.30 09:31": "This artwork has a 'something' as it is mezmerising to watch, I visualise it on show in a public VR world. I also am enamoured with the reimagined four horsemen concept. As It is an unusual work Im setting a ltd edition of 5 - plus a low price barrier. And commercial display rights are granted as stated below.
The work germinated from the adage -
"somethng old, something new, something borrowed & something blue"

2.57 ms